How to Create Copy That Sells with Bernadette Schwerdt

Copywriting is not as easy as you may think. And it is vitally important to your business – from email messages to your website. Bernadette Schwerdt is a copywriting coach and expert. She is the managing director of the Australian School of Copywriting and teaches people the art of writing. Schwerdt defines copywriting as the art of selling through words - both written and spoken. Copywriting is the process of coming up with a message and making it as compelling as possible.

Copywriting is important in all formats: pitches, phone calls, newsletters, brochures, website content, press releases, sales letters, email messages, etc. If the copywriting is not done well, then deals fall through and you lose clients/customers. When writing copy, ask the following questions: What do you sell? At what price point? How can people buy it? Also, there are many steps to take when copywriting. For example, make sure your headline drags people into your story and grabs their attention. Write copy that speaks to people and solves their problems. It is important to understand your target audience and their vernacular/conversational tone - write in the way they speak. Use all the tips offered by Bernadette Schwerdt to write the best copy possible to take your business to the next level and position yourself as a leader! In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** Definition of copywriting

** Benefits of learning how to write copy

** Cost to hire copywriters

** What constitutes as copywriting items

** Copywriting process and rules

** Importance of headlines, offers, call to action, testimonials, etc.

** Copywriting mistakes

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** Bernadette Schwerdt:

** Secrets of Online Entrepreneurs:

** Australian School of Copywriting:

** ActionCOACH Session:

** DiSC:

** Voice Memos:

** The Diamond Cutter:

Take a look at copy writting for your business

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