The Great Fragmentation with Steve Sammartino

In this episode of the business of brain food podcast I chat with Steve Sammartino about his new book ‘The Great Fragmentation’ and what Steve calls the 200 year shift. As a business owner understanding the shift to the digital age is extremely important if you're going to succeed. We have seen many businesses dwindle and die because they have not adapted to the new way of doing business.

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During this interview you will learn how to cope with this radical shift and we'll discuss some of the 20 big ideas that Steve feels is changing the world we live in. You'll learn why bigger businesses are going to struggle more with the shift in the digital age and how the Internet will change how you do business forever.

No matter what business you're in this is one podcast episode you must listen to, to prepare yourself for the future.

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn:

** What outsourcing is and who it's for

** Why business is moving from mass to niche

** Why 3-D printing is going to play such an important part in the future

** That learning should be a part of your day everyday not just something that's nice to do

** Why the future of business is small

** How the Internet will change the way you do business in the future

** What you can do to prepare and at that in the digital age

Resources mentioned in this episode:

** Twitter @sammartino





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Until next time, have a profitable day.

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9811 5000


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