Starting your Own Business with Rieva Lesonsky

In this episode of business brain food I talk with Rieva Lesonsky, author of the bestselling book Start Your Own Business and the former Editorial Director of Entrepreneur Magazine, Rieva has been meeting with, consulting to and speaking to America’s small business owners for more than 30 years. She’s got an inside perspective on what entrepreneurs want and how to help them grow successful businesses.

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Even if you’re in business already, there are several gems that Rieva shares during this interview that will help you take your business to the next level. If you haven't started your business yet, this is one episode you definitely do not want to miss!

In this episode of Business Brain Food you will learn;

** What Facebook and Bunnings have in common

** How to come up with a business name, and change your name if you got it wrong the first time!

** Why you need to take time away from the day to day running of your business

** The keys to starting your own business

** What needs to be in your business plan

** Why identifying frustrations will help you build a successful business

** Why being passionate about something is not a good reason to start a business

** The Secret to finding the idea to start a business

** Why you don’t have to be number 1 in the market

Resources mentioned in this episode:




** Rieva Lesonsky has several books on Amazon

** Connect with Rieva Lesonsky on linkedIn

** twitter Rieva Lesonsky @Rieva

** Email Rieva Lesonsky

Additional Resources:

** BBF:024 Seven Keys to Business Success with Ben Fewtrell

** 5 Tips for choosing a Business Name

** Our top 4 tips to starting a business

** 4 Steps on how to create an effective business plan

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Remember to go and find out more about Rieva Lesonsky and until next time, have a profitable day!

Cheers, Ben Fewtrell (02) 9811 5000


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