In this episode Fiona Redding talks about creating a new reality for yourself, sharing her experiences over the last 12 months and how she was able to overcome adversity and achieve massive goals by changing her mindset and being open to doing things differently. Fiona Redding You can find Fiona at You can follow Fiona on...

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In this episode Fiona Redding talks about creating a new reality for yourself, sharing her experiences over the last 12 months and how she was able to overcome adversity and achieve massive goals by changing her mindset and being open to doing things differently.

Fiona Redding

You can find Fiona at

You can follow Fiona on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, Youtube and Pinterest.

Listen to Fiona Redding @thehappihunter talk about creating a new reality for your life
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Creating A New Reality
In this episode we explore

How setting big hairy audacious goals can help you overcome adversity
How creating a new reality for yourself can help you achieve your goals
The cause and effect of the choices you make
Dealing with relentless financial pressure
The important role that journalling and meditating can play in showing the way forward
How your priorities in life should inform your decision making process
How you can create a new reality for yourself through visioning
Trusting in your instincts and having faith in your decisions
The important role that your mindset has in creating a new reality for your life
How your focus determines your future
Why delusion can be a good thing
Why you should always be open to doing things differently
How focusing on feeling more deserving can improve your experiences
The logistics of taking time out from your business and family
The importance of taking action towards your goals, regardless of how impossible they may appear to be

Resources discussed in the show

Spirituality in Business: Dr Issam Kadamani

#BusinessAddicts 7 Day Meditation Challenge
The Happiness Hunter – You Can Change Your Life Bootcamp

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The post Creating A New Reality – Fiona Redding appeared first on Business Addicts.


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