Previous Episode: 43 | CARE
Next Episode: 45 | GOOD

Burnt Out has some incredibly exciting new this week and every week moving forward. Listen now!!

Who is Danielle?

Hey, what's up! I'm Danielle Deike, 22 years old, straight out of Pleasanton, California...which despite the name isn't the most pleasant! I recently grabbed a degree in business with a focus in the area of non-profits and I currently work for two nonprofits that focus on building local communities in economic, sustainable, and social regards. 

I just also happen to be THE BRAND NEW COHOST OF BURNT OUT!!! 🤩

What is feeling Successful?

I think that to be successful can be two things: (1) How much my mom brags about me and my accomplishments to people we run in to and (2) the amount of impact I have on the people around me. For me, it's that feeling of walking into some fancy event or gala that everyone begged you to attend.

What is feeling Burnt Out?

Feeling burnt out to me is when you get to this point in your life when you just want to stop doing the things that you love and give up. It when I'm dreading something when I used to love it; the feeling of being lost.

The Burnt Out Experience Danielle's Story

I think I've been burnt out on a couple different occasions but nothing life altering...yet! 😅

The most recent experience I had was back in college. I was the VP of a sorority, which was also happened to be the largest sorority on campus with about 160 girls and when I was a Senior, I was getting to a point where I wanted nothing to do with it.

I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into this organization and then, all of the sudden, I just felt like giving up all that effort. 

Advice for you Big Picture

Look at the big picture and the goal you want to achieve. At the same time, be aware of the people that surround you and look up to you.

Remember Your Why

Circle back to your Why: why you started, why you stayed, and why you don’t want to give up.

Listener Questions

These are questions you all have submitted for me to ask my guests!
If you have any others to add, please share with me.

What does leadership mean to you?

Someone that can lift everyone up with them at the same time.
Constantly team focused and brings their team along for the ride.

Who do you look up to?

Growing up I was constantly obsessed with looking up to someone that has achieved that success and that leader at the same time. When I was young, it was Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Blackwell.

Currently though, I look back to spending this entire summer in Belize. My “boss”/ director that I worked under became that leader and role model that I have always wanted in my life.

What is the next book we should read?

Grit by Angela Duckworth


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Where do we find out more about you?

Check out my bio in the About section 

Feel free to reach out to me 
[email protected]

Always looking for more awesome connections on LinkedIn!