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Just don't care anymore? Filmmaker Stephanie Cullen has been there before!! In this episode CARE with Stephanie, we explore her experience with not being able to care, what caused it, and how she got through it. Listen now! 

Who is Stephanie?

Stephanie is a filmmaker both professionally and personally, really in every aspect of her life. She creates corporate videos by day and short films, documentaries, and music videos by nights and weekends. Stephanie also volunteers her time and skills to non-profits and small businesses to help them grow and promote their efforts through film.

When she's not running all over Boise with a camera in one hand and a micro-brew in the other, she's playing with her dog Frodo, and three cats Bandit, Ashtoreth, and Osiris.

What is feeling Successful?

Actually completing a project.

That doesn't mean Stephanie has a film to show other people one that wins awards, but one she internally feels complete and meaningful to the people involved.

What is feeling Burnt Out?

Reaching the end of caring for something.

When you wake up in the morning and realize "I really don't care about anything that's about to happen today."

The Burnt Out Experience Stephanie's Story

In January 2015, Stephanie got a new job, in March she got a divorce, and in May she started school.

So, for the next 32 months, Stephanie worked full-time, went to school full-time, and was dealing with the aftermath of ending a 14 year marriage.

During that time, Stephanie's friends helped her with school projects and instead of money payment, Stephanie promised each friend an IOU. She promised to work on whatever projects her friends needed her for after she graduated. The week after graduation, ALL the emails started rolling in.

It was project overload immediately after finishing school, but Stephanie promised and she set to work for the next three months on other people's projects. This is was the breaking point... Stephanie started to feel like she no longer cared about any of it anymore. She was burnt out.

Advice for you Feel it

It's okay to feel this way. It's going to happen at some point. But recognize it and don't stay in it for too long.

Do Something Different

If you're burnt out, find something different to do. Like Stephanie said, she's a filmmaker. It's her full-time job, it's her side-hustle, and it's her passion/hobby.

So when burnout comes around, Stephanie has found that hitting the gym is a fantastic release that is nothing like making films. It helps her clear her head and get into a different space for a little while.


Ya'll know at this point that I LOVE when guests remind us to keep active for our mental health.

Stephanie said that her personal trainer genuinely changed her life because having someone keep you honest and accountable for your fitness level, your eating habits, and mental state is so helpful.

Listener Questions

These are questions you all have submitted for me to ask my guests!
If you have any others to add, please share with me.

What does leadership mean to you?

Someone who exudes confidence and respect when they walk into a room
Someone who puts others first
Someone who appears to have their shit together

Who do you look up to?

Gigi (friend)

What is the next book we should read?

The Art of Asking: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Let People Help

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Where do we find out more about you?