Previous Episode: 44 | INTRO
Next Episode: EP 46 | HARMONY

What does it really mean to have a GOOD job? Andie Daisley, Child Life Specialist, vocalist, and blog writer had a massive, miserable experience with getting Burnt Out because a "good" job, wasn't what she thought it would be.

Who is Andie?

Andie Daisley was born and raised in Washington and is a major PNW enthusiast. As a Certified Child Life Specialist, she marvels at the strength, brilliance and pure hearts of children on a daily basis. Andie is an anxious introvert who loves people, but hates small talk. She strives every day to allow herself and those around her the space to really feel and share their experiences. The good, bad, and ugly.

What is feeling Successful?

For Andie, success means finding balance in life. For her, success is being able to pursue the things she wants to do.

What is feeling Burnt Out?

On the Camino de Santiago, Andie had times where she wished for an airlift to the next destination because it could be so hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other on a 500 mile journey. She did say though, that thought the Camino was hard, she wouldn't have actually taken the airlift out if it was offered to her; she would've taken an airlift out of a few seasons of life to get to where she is now though.

The Burnt Out Experience Andie's Story

Right out of college, where Andie studied Human Services, she applied for a large amount of jobs as per her mentors' advice. It's hard to get jobs within Human Services, so they said "You need to cast a wide net." Andie did just that.

When a good job was offered to her, Andie took it. She picked up and moved to Tacoma, WA, even though she didn't feel ready to leave her college town where she felt a great sense of community. She took the job only because it was a "good" job and not because it was her passion.

Andie also struggles with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. So, this anxiety combined with a job that wasn't right for her in a town that didn't feel like home... Andie burnt out and crashed.

It was all about making money and having that "good" job and so Andie felt miserable. Her passions, goals, and soul felt malnourished and that just isn't "good."

Advice for you What's Leading To Your Burnout

Figure out what the feeling is that is causing our experience with getting burnt out.

Andie gets burnt out in her current career - HER DREAM CAREER. That doesn't mean that she wouldn't prefer that airlift every once in a while, right?

Think of Your Basic Needs

If the reason your burnt out is because you're doing something that you love, but your going to hard, you might be forgetting about your basic needs. That's okay to do sometimes, but at some point you need to take a break and take care of your mental health, basic needs, and emotional wellbeing.

Listener Questions

These are questions you all have submitted for me to ask my guests!
If you have any others to add, please share with me.

What does leadership mean to you?

Respectful of the people they lead
Humble in taking feedback

Who do you look up to?

My parents
My college professors
Children and the people who value opinions of children

What is the next book we should read?

First, We Make The Beast Beautiful: A New Journey Through Anxiety


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