Everybody and their mother says you MUST use social media marketing for your coaching business, but why haven’t we stopped to consider the possible repercussions on our craft – our abilities as a coach? Read the blog with linked resources here!

In today’s episode, Stacie talks about social media marketing for coaches, the potential hidden costs to your coaching practice, and a better, more mindful and moderate approach to marketing your business with social media. 

Stacie answers a big question – Does social media marketing – specifically for coaches – have the potential to degrade our coaching skills over time? – by diving deeper into the questions below:

Is social media marketing really worth your time and energy?What creates a great coach? And how can social media marketing potentially impede these skills?The research: Can focusing too much on social media marketing potentially destroy our skills as coaches?A better, more moderate approach to social media marketing for coaches

If you desperately want to stop feeling glued to your phone, but you just can’t seem to make it happen, download the free guide to the absolute best resources to help you quit (or pull way, way back) right here.

And if you want to use SEO to help bring your perfect clients right to you, download the SEO Cheat Sheet and Tutorial today! This is the same method I used to grow my podcast downloads by 58% in 5 months!

Mentioned on the podcast:

Book: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
Podcast: Six reasons to quit social media, maybe even forever