Link to Part 1 of this special collab: Social media marketing and the true costs for small business on the Building Balance Podcast


This is a special podcast collaboration with my good biz friend Jenna from the Building Balance podcast.

We decided to do something a bit different with this topic and split it into two separate episodes.

In Part 1, which you can find right now over on The Building Balance podcast, we answer the question: “Is social media costing you more than just your time?”

Listen to Part 1 here before you listen to this episode – Part 2!

In this episode – Part 2 – we talk about how we can start to move away from social media toward other marketing methods. Because if not social media, then what?

Read the transcript(ish) for this episode here!


Free resources:

If you’re interested in taking a different approach to marketing your business, I highly recommend downloading my free SEO Cheat Sheet and Tutorial at  This also adds you to my twice-monthly newsletter where I dig deeper into the topic of moving away from social media, as well as how to overcome the mindset gunk that can come with entrepreneurship. 

Jenna has a guide, called Instant Relief, which includes a really simple 4-step exercise that’s specifically designed to help you figure out which marketing and sales activities are actually bringing in sales, so that you can stop doing *all the things*, or reduce the time you spend on marketing activities that aren’t bringing in sales –– whether that’s social media or something else. You can find it along with Jenna’s other current resources at

Mentioned on the podcast:
Jessica Eley’s Free Workshop: The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Expertise Isn't Converting To Sales (and what to do about it)

Claire Paniccia (@conqueryourcontent): The importance of creating long-form content for your ideal audience to binge.