Join Stacie as she interviews Alyssa Cotten, who pivoted from being a business/finance undergrad to becoming a mental health counselor in what she thought was her “dream job” to then becoming her own boss – where she combined her business degree with her counseling degree to create her own private practice.

In 2020, the pandemic hit, and she then pivoted yet again. She didn’t have ANY social media for a decade up to this point, but she started her online business in 2020 and went all in on creating an online presence on Instagram and YouTube. 

We also talk about high functioning anxiety, what it looks like, how it can keep you from creating your most meaningful work and life – and how to begin to heal it.

Create Your Own Calming Jar on Alyssa’s YouTube!

Find Alyssa over on Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, or her website. 

Mentioned on the podcast:
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Henricks