What if the traditional idea of masculinity is doing more harm than good? Prepare to have your perceptions shaken as I, Dennis Moralda, share my journey from being a terrified son seeking positive role models to becoming the role model I once sought – a father, teacher, coach, mentor, and principal, committed to reshaping mindsets and empowering young men. Discover my story of growing up in the shadows of fear and intimidation, and my resolve to create a safe, nurturing environment that challenges and redefines the conventional definitions of masculinity.


Dive into the details of my groundbreaking initiative, "Building Men," which began as a boys group at my school. I will guide you through our journey of challenging and redefining masculinity, moving away from the archaic ideas of physical dominance and material wealth, towards a more enlightened understanding of authenticity, accountability, and service. Hear about the powerful impact of this initiative which resulted in a dramatic 75% decrease in suspensions in just one year.


Walk with me through my personal struggles with mental health and the revival of the Building Men podcast during one of the most challenging periods in my life. Experience the evolution of the podcast and how it served as a bridge, connecting me to others and my current partner. As we venture into the final chapter of this journey, we explore my certification as an 'and lifted' coach and how it's shaped my understanding of masculinity. Learn about the coaching services I offer for young men, both individually and in a group setting called "The Foundation." So, hop on this ride as we journey further than we ever thought possible!


(00:01) Reshaping Mindsets


This chapter explores the importance of providing a safe and supportive environment for young men to thrive and become the best versions of themselves. Host Dennis Moralda, a father, teacher, coach, mentor, and principal with over two decades of experience, shares his personal backstory and journey of growing up in a family where he was scared of his father and constantly seeking positive role models. He discusses a traumatic experience of being bullied by older boys and the lack of a safe space in his life. Through his own experiences, Moralda emphasizes the need for creating a nurturing environment that reshapes the mindsets of young men and helps them overcome challenges.


(12:45) Building Men


This chapter explores the topic of masculinity and its perception by young boys. The host shares their personal experience of recognizing the need for positive male role models in their school and starting a boys group called "Building Men." The boys initially defined masculinity as physical dominance, sexual conquest, and material wealth, but the host challenged them to redefine it in terms of inner qualities such as authenticity, accountability, and service to others. The impact of this program was significant, with a 75% decrease in suspensions in just one year. The chapter highlights the importance of redefining masculinity and the positive effects it can have on young boys.


(17:28) Resurrecting Building Men and Redefining Masculinity


This chapter explores the personal journey of the host, who shares his experiences growing up with a father who had a significant impact on his life. He also talks about his marriage and how it mirrored his relationship with his father. The host then discusses his struggles with mental health and how he found inspiration to start the Building Men podcast during a difficult time in his life. He also shares how the podcast evolved and connected him with others, including his current partner. The host also mentions his certification as an and lifted coach and how it has helped him understand the concept of masculinity. Overall, this chapter delves into the host's personal story and how it has shaped his mission to redefine what it means to be a man.


(26:55) Building Men


This chapter discusses the individual and group coaching services offered by the host for young men ages 12-18/19. The group coaching, called "The Foundation," features guest speakers who share their stories of resilience and what it means to be a man in today's world. The host expresses gratitude for listeners joining them on this journey and shares a bit of backstory about Building Men. The episode ends with the host's signature sign-off, encouraging listeners to go one step further than they thought they could.



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