Welcome to an inspiring and transformative episode of our podcast. In this special edition, we delve into the remarkable journey of John Vasquez, also known as Coach JV, a man who broke free from the shackles of corporate life to embrace his true calling. Tune in to "The Warrior Ascension with John Vasquez aka Coach JV" as we unravel the story of a man who went from a suited executive to a bearded life coach, symbolizing his personal evolution and unwavering commitment to authenticity.

Episode Highlights:

Corporate Awakening: Coach JV shares the profound shift from a corporate executive to a man of wisdom and strength, and how his grooming brand, Refined Integrity, mirrors his transformation. (00:02:35)

Struggles With Identity and Addiction: A raw look into Coach JV's battles with finding purpose and overcoming the demons of addiction. (00:08:10)

Spiraling Into Opiate Addiction and Recovery: An honest recount of the descent into addiction and the pivotal moments that sparked a journey towards recovery. (00:16:20)

Personal Transformation Through 'The Secret': Coach JV's testament to the power of affirmations, forgiveness, and self-belief in reconstructing a meaningful life. (00:26:45)

Journey to Finding Inner Warrior: From materialism to spiritual awakening, Coach JV's path to self-discovery and the resilience needed to pursue one's truth. (00:35:00)

Fatherhood, Masculinity, and Divine Balance: The vital role of fatherhood in shaping children's self-worth and the complex dynamics of modern masculinity. (00:44:30)

Masculinity, Financial Literacy, and Self-Development: Redefining masculinity through emotional openness, financial acumen, and the cultivation of principled character. (00:52:15)

Building Wealth and Financial Literacy: Strategies for achieving financial freedom and the significance of investing in assets over liabilities. (01:01:30)

Spread the Love and Share: A heartfelt call to share Coach JV's empowering message and the importance of building a life of purpose and integrity. (01:10:20)

Key Moments in the Episode:

Corporate Awakening: "It was almost like an FU to corporate America. I started growing a beard and then I did one YouTube video, said I want to be a warrior in a modern-day society and it just seemed... as my internal changed, my external change." (00:03:00)

Journey to Finding Inner Warrior: "He's literally a carbon copy of me. So I believe that he came on the day I committed suicide... is the rebirth of me. It's for me to heal that in myself so I can pass it on to the next generation." (00:37:00)

Recommended Resources:

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker

Connect with Coach JV:

Learn more about Coach JV's mission and access resources for personal growth and financial literacy https://linktr.ee/cjv_. Follow Coach JV on social media for daily inspiration and tips on embracing your inner warrior.


Coach JV's story is not just about personal transformation; it's a call to action for anyone yearning for a life of authenticity, purpose, and financial wisdom. It's a powerful reminder that it's never too late to become the person you were meant to be. So join us on this journey and ascend with the warrior within.

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