Just a couple short years after my children died, a distant acquaintance suddenly became a young widow with  young children. My heart ached for her. I wanted to do something to help but I didn’t know her well and I didn’t live near her so I wrote a letter. I wrote a letter of all […]

Just a couple short years after my children died, a distant acquaintance suddenly became a young widow with  young children. My heart ached for her.

I wanted to do something to help but I didn’t know her well and I didn’t live near her so I wrote a letter.

I wrote a letter of all the things that had helped me during my most painful grief and beyond. Even though my loss was different and my experience was different than hers I thought that some of my experience must have been somewhat similar to hers.

In this episode I share the first 5 things that I shared with my distant friend that helped during my grief.

Were some of the things that helped you the same or different than the things that helped me?

I’d love to hear what helped you.

Be sure and get your gift from me to you, 3 Daily Practices to Begin Building a Life After Loss, here.