We all have a story. Your life story is important. It’s what makes you who you are. Also, the way we interact with our story develops overtime. When you think about it, the uniqueness in each of our lives is astounding! Absolutely, no two people on the planet share the same story even within the […]

We all have a story. Your life story is important. It’s what makes you who you are.

Also, the way we interact with our story develops overtime.

When you think about it, the uniqueness in each of our lives is astounding! Absolutely, no two people on the planet share the same story even within the same family. But as we share our experiences we find that we are more alike than we realize and a understanding quickly develops.

On this first episode of the Build a Life After Loss Podcast, I’ll share my story, which you can also read briefly here.

My overarching desire is for you to feel and hear that there is always hope.

A wonderful life awaits all of us.

I want to hear your story too.

Don’t forget to get your copy of 3 Daily Practices to Begin Building a Life After Loss here.