One of the most frustrating parts of running a business is creating an offer that you know is perfect for your audience, but struggling to get anyone to take you up on it. Jennifer Fugo has been there and knows this annoyance first hand. 

In this episode she shares how she turned things around for her business after years of frustration, and used podcasting to build up a client pipeline that 10xed her revenue and continues to feed ideal clients into her business.

Check out the full show notes with key takeaways, quotes, in-depth guest info, and more.

In This Episode

The importance of testing out your ideas before making a major brand change (7:20)What you need to know when trying to monetize your podcast (9:21)Four ways that you can maximize your ROI and start seeing results quickly (14:46)Why you need to meet people where they are and truly listen and emphasize with their problems (21:20)How having a strong network of supportive colleagues can help open doors for your business (30:35)

What's the biggest thing you've taken away from this podcast? I'd love to hear about it and feature your response on the show! Take 30 seconds to leave a review here including your biggest takeaway.

Maximizing Your Revenue with Jennifer Fugo

Jen has been running an online business since 2009. And although she thought she was doing everything right the first time, hindsight, generous advice from others, and continual hard work and experimentation have all shone a light on some of the things she was doing that were really holding her business back from achieving it's potential.

While her business is thriving now – increasing her practice's income by 10x in just 6 months – that wasn't always the case.

Creating a Compelling Offer Starts With Understanding Your Your Audience

One of the keys to Jen’s business transformation has been market research and identifying a gap in her niche market.

This knowledge is essential to understanding your audience and understanding how you can help 'co-pilot' them to the success they're looking for. By approaching your audience with empathy, understanding, and patience instead of simply feeding them what you think is best,  you have a much higher chance of building a loyal audience of raving fans, clients, and customers.

How To Make More Money in Your Wellness Business

Once you're clear on where your audience is at and what they're hungry for, you have the ability to create an offer that is truly compelling to them.

Once you have that, the next step to scaling your business is increasing your exposure and feeding people into your businesses trust system (more on that in Episode 2). 

Podcast guesting, social media, pitching to the press, and creating a supportive community with your peers are all fantastic resources to help you gain engagement and start making more money. No matter how you choose to do it, this process takes time. Jen is a fantastic example, however, of how your business can take off and achieve massive growth once the right pieces are in place.

Looking back, what's something you now realize was holding you back in your biz, and what did you do to change it? Leave me a voice message to have your response featured on an upcoming episode.

Links & Resources

Learn how to grow your audience through podcast guesting with my free Mini-Course


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