With the ease of the internet, who doesn’t shop online in today’s world? It’s so convenient, quick and easy to get everything you need right to your door!

But have you ever ordered something online and then received it and it was nothing like you thought it was online? That’s no fun, right?!

So, What about your e-commerce shop? How do your shoppers feel when they are checking out all your store offers online? Can you really connect your products to your customers when they can’t physically see, feel or try your products before they buy them?

Today, you’re in luck because you don’t have to wonder anymore! We have Lauren Carnes on the show to guide you in exactly how to photograph your products to get amazing photos to share online with your customers. Lauren is photographer and a communication strategist who loves helping small businesses better connect with their audience.

In this podcast, Lauren is going to explain why not only is your product image background so important but also your packaging, branding and the online connection to your brick and mortar shop, if you have both. So get your cameras ready and check out all the valuable info Lauren Carnes brings!

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