Bee Veronica Moore designs fun, ethnically diverse everyday products for every child to enjoy. 

With a background in graphic design and illustration, and a passion to encourage reading, early years development and self esteem, particularly in BAME children who rarely see themselves reflected in children’s goods and products found in shops and online.

Listen in to hear Bee share:

Her background in writing poetry and rhyme (1:40)The inspiration for Witty Dittys (2:24)Her experience of not being able to find products that represented her family and why her products ensure BAME children are represented (5:40)The products she sells and the importance of all children being able to see themselves on the products in their home (7:28)Her Colourful Kids collection (10:17)The logistics of the business (11:10)How she found her supplier (13:40)The importance of choosing the right people to work with (17:19)How and why she held a focus group and what she learnt from it (21:05)How the business got started (23:57)How she launched - and one thing she wishes she’d done (30:45)Some of the challenges she’s had to overcome (34:28)Resuming her business, after pausing when her son was born, and what it looks like now (37:25)The STEM workshops she runs for children and how this works alongside her products business (40:25)How the business works around her family (43:45)How her business has been impacted by the covid-19 pandemic (45:00)Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (49:43)


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