Gemma Whates helps mothers to start and grow a business alongside raising a family, via start up courses and the ALL by MAMA community. 

Read the full blog post

She shares 10 practical steps you can take to get your business started.

Map out your visionWork on your business modelDefine your ideal customerIdentify your USP (Unique Selling Point)Decide on a name for your company and set up at Companies HouseDesign a company logoGet an online presence (website and social media)Make yourself accountableWork out (realistic) timings for your goalsCreate your personal finance plan


FREE checklist - product creation & business start up

All By Mama membership community

Gemma Whates start up course

Gemma on Facebook

Gemma on Instagram

Gemma on LinkedIn

Episode 9 - how to carry out your own customer and market research guidance for business

Lean Start up book


99 Designs

Go Daddy


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Mentioned in this episode:

Hosted by Captivate

If you've been inspired to start a podcast in 2024 then I recommend my podcast host, Captivate.
They were my top pick when I started 4 years ago because of how easy it was for a complete novice to get started. I’ve stuck with them because it’s still simple, they keep adding great new features (like the ability to share ads like these!) and it’s been so reliable.
When you’re ready to start your own podcast, use the link for a free 7 day trial:

In May 2024 our sponsor is Aubergine Legal

Do you sometimes worry that your business isn’t meeting all its legal compliance requirements and wonder if you are ticking all the legal boxes?
Aubergine offers a free initial 30 minute consultation if you have any questions or want to find out how they can help.