**Please remember to rate and review the podcast - it really helps others to find it.**
Christina Pickworth founded THIS MAMA DOES in 2016. With a background in film & television she’d spent over a decade telling stories, but when she became a mother she felt suddenly invisible. Then she had an idea for funny parenting milestone cards that can help tell a story of not just the new baby, but the new parent too - and perhaps send a little SOS out into the world with a smile where there might otherwise be lonely meltdown. 
A chance to laugh with other parents in the solidarity of sleepless nights and s**tmageddons. Because the kids might be all kinds of wonderful, but the parents doing all the snot-wiping and tantrum negotiating on 3 hours of sleep and 4 cups of coffee are pretty fab too!
Listen in to hear Christina share:
An introduction to her and her businesses (1:15)
The inspiration for her parenting milestone cards and how she launched them in 3 weeks (1:40)
The process of creating her cards - and why who you know can help! (5:17)
How she got her first sales (7:44)
Some of the milestones on her cards (10:20)
How she expanded the range - by signing up with Not On The High Street (11:30)
The process of applying for NOTHS with a few top tips! (13:30)
How much time she spends on THIS MAMA DOES versus her main business - hint. It’s not a lot! (17:00)
Selling her cards wholesale and how she got her first orders (22:20)
Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (27:49)
http://www.thismamadoes.co.uk/ (THIS MAMA DOES website)
http://twitter.com/thismamadoes (THIS MAMA DOES on Twitter)
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THIS MAMA DOES  on Instagram
https://www.scribbler.com/search-results/?searchterm=this+mama+does&searchterm_submit=Go (THIS MAMA DOES cards on Scribbler)
https://www.instagram.com/vickiweinberg_product_creation/ (Find me on Instagram)
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**Please remember to rate and review the podcast - it really helps others to find it.**

Christina Pickworth founded THIS MAMA DOES in 2016. With a background in film & television she’d spent over a decade telling stories, but when she became a mother she felt suddenly invisible. Then she had an idea for funny parenting milestone cards that can help tell a story of not just the new baby, but the new parent too - and perhaps send a little SOS out into the world with a smile where there might otherwise be lonely meltdown. 

A chance to laugh with other parents in the solidarity of sleepless nights and s**tmageddons. Because the kids might be all kinds of wonderful, but the parents doing all the snot-wiping and tantrum negotiating on 3 hours of sleep and 4 cups of coffee are pretty fab too!

Listen in to hear Christina share:

An introduction to her and her businesses (1:15)The inspiration for her parenting milestone cards and how she launched them in 3 weeks (1:40)The process of creating her cards - and why who you know can help! (5:17)How she got her first sales (7:44)Some of the milestones on her cards (10:20)How she expanded the range - by signing up with Not On The High Street (11:30)The process of applying for NOTHS with a few top tips! (13:30)How much time she spends on THIS MAMA DOES versus her main business - hint. It’s not a lot! (17:00)Selling her cards wholesale and how she got her first orders (22:20)Her number one piece of advice for other product creators (27:49)




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THIS MAMA DOES cards on Scribbler


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