Welcome back. This week, we're revisiting a previous episode for two main reasons. First, it's the holiday season, and I know many of you are enjoying the break or are quite busy. It didn't seem like the perfect moment to introduce something new. Second, as the year wraps up and we look forward to a fresh start, it's an excellent time for businesses to reflect and plan. If you've been thinking about starting to sell on Amazon or improving your existing efforts there, this episode is for you.

I work closely with many Amazon sellers, guiding them through setting up and enhancing their presence. I've seen great successes, but I've also seen challenges, often beyond the seller's control. That's why this episode is all about understanding if Amazon is the right marketplace for you. We'll talk about how to figure that out and what factors you should consider before diving in. So, whether you're unwinding during the holidays or gearing up for the new year, this episode could provide valuable insights for your business journey in 2024.

Listen in to hear me share:

An introduction to  me and why I wanted to record this episode (01:28)Why Amazon is an appealing place to sell your products (05:32)The advantages of FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) (08:19)Accessing a global market (09:20)Things that aren’t so great about Amazon, seller support (10:19)Things that aren’t so great about Amazon, there is a lot of competition (11:42)Product listing rules you need to adhere to (13:04)The sort of products that Amazon works well for (14:43)The importance of researching the market and your competition (17:04)Free tools you can use (17:51)How I can help you get started with selling on Amazon (21:13)

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


I have written a blog post to accompany this episode, which you can read here

FBA Revenue Calculator

Jungle Scout


Go to get.junglescout.com/vicki to access a whole suite bestselling tools for building and running a successful Amazon business. 

Podcast Episodes:

30 Where’s the best place to sell your products online

79 What to do when things go wrong on Amazon

107 Common Amazon issues and how to resolve them

159 How to start selling on Amazon

183 How to rank higher on Amazon

Blog Posts: 

How To Rank Higher On Amazon

Jungle Scout - My favourite tool for selling on...

Welcome back. This week, we're revisiting a previous episode for two main reasons. First, it's the holiday season, and I know many of you are enjoying the break or are quite busy. It didn't seem like the perfect moment to introduce something new. Second, as the year wraps up and we look forward to a fresh start, it's an excellent time for businesses to reflect and plan. If you've been thinking about starting to sell on Amazon or improving your existing efforts there, this episode is for you.

I work closely with many Amazon sellers, guiding them through setting up and enhancing their presence. I've seen great successes, but I've also seen challenges, often beyond the seller's control. That's why this episode is all about understanding if Amazon is the right marketplace for you. We'll talk about how to figure that out and what factors you should consider before diving in. So, whether you're unwinding during the holidays or gearing up for the new year, this episode could provide valuable insights for your business journey in 2024.

Listen in to hear me share:

An introduction to  me and why I wanted to record this episode (01:28)Why Amazon is an appealing place to sell your products (05:32)The advantages of FBA (fulfilled by Amazon) (08:19)Accessing a global market (09:20)Things that aren’t so great about Amazon, seller support (10:19)Things that aren’t so great about Amazon, there is a lot of competition (11:42)Product listing rules you need to adhere to (13:04)The sort of products that Amazon works well for (14:43)The importance of researching the market and your competition (17:04)Free tools you can use (17:51)How I can help you get started with selling on Amazon (21:13)

The Bring Your Product Idea to Life Podcast  - Best Business Podcast Award, Independent Podcast Awards 2023


I have written a blog post to accompany this episode, which you can read here

FBA Revenue Calculator

Jungle Scout


Go to get.junglescout.com/vicki to access a whole suite bestselling tools for building and running a successful Amazon business. 

Podcast Episodes:

30 Where’s the best place to sell your products online

79 What to do when things go wrong on Amazon

107 Common Amazon issues and how to resolve them

159 How to start selling on Amazon

183 How to rank higher on Amazon

Blog Posts: 

How To Rank Higher On Amazon

Jungle Scout - My favourite tool for selling on Amazon


My Free Resources 

Is Amazon Right For You? Mini Strategy Session

Amazon Account Audit

Amazon Launch Package

Amazon Training Q&A Hour

Book a Power Hour with me


Join my free Facebook group for product makers and creators

Find me on Instagram

Work with me 

Buy My Book: Bring Your Product Idea To Life

If you enjoy this podcast, and you’d like to leave a tip, you can do so here: https://bring-your-product-idea.captivate.fm/support

Mentioned in this episode:

In May 2024 our sponsor is Aubergine Legal

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Hosted by Captivate

If you've been inspired to start a podcast in 2024 then I recommend my podcast host, Captivate.
They were my top pick when I started 4 years ago because of how easy it was for a complete novice to get started. I’ve stuck with them because it’s still simple, they keep adding great new features (like the ability to share ads like these!) and it’s been so reliable.
When you’re ready to start your own podcast, use the link for a free 7 day trial: https://www.captivate.fm/signup?ref=vickiweinberg&tap_a=53455-ceb3a2