You Can Get It Done In Less Time
featuring Dahyu Patel

It's time to redefine our relationship to time. What if time existed to help us deliver our greater good, to live our purpose faster? There is a new way to look at time. We can redefine our relationship to time and what time can mean to us. More importantly,  how time itself can serve us to become our better good. Hence, can you get things done in less time? Can we push boundaries with time in our everyday lives?

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dahyu Patel, Answers:  

What is Time Integrity?What is society's current relationship to time? What could be our new paradigm and mindset towards time? What is time boxing and how does it support our paradigm shift with time?How does time compression relate to time boxing and lead to time expansion?Can we really get things done in less time? How can this all help us to feel ahead of time?  So are you saying that productivity is social?

Dahyu's Special Invitation For You:
Ready to compress time, feel ahead in your day, and show up around friends and family feeling energized and fully present? Click:

Listen to Dahyu's Previous Episode:
Productivity Focus: BB206

Links to "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner"Books:
Volume 1:
Volume 2:
Volume 3:   
Volume 4:
Volume 5*:
* Dahyu Authored in Volume 5

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

#BrilliantBizBook #SmallBusiness #EndOnTime #FeelAheadOfTime #TimePsychology #TimeIntegrity