Authentic Leadership and the Shadow
featuring Susan White

How authentic of a leader are you? Do you have awareness of your shadow and how it impacts your leadership abilities? When you focus on these questions, does your attention go primarily to authenticity, or does your mind linger solely on who you are as a leader? There’s no right or wrong answer to this complex question, and we’re going to unpack and explore how you even begin to process this concept and how it affects ways you may be leading both yourself and others!

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Susan White, LCSW, Answers:  

When you say "shadow" what do you mean?What is a practical place to begin talking about authenticity, leadership, and the shadow?When focusing on self, is being self-centered healthy?What does being whole, or authentic,  have to do with leadership?Can you give an example of the modality of Internal Family Systems and Parts work?So focusing on self first, from a healthy stance, supports us showing up authentically?Are we always in the process of learning and evolving?

Susan's Special Invitation For You:
Explore your authenticity with customers and employees and determine what serves your business's highest potential. Receive insight today:

Link to all the "Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner" Books in the Series (Volumes 1- 5): 
*Susan wrote chapter 4 in Vol 5.

Listen to Susan's Previous Episodes: BB12, BB23, BB31, BB41, BB49, BB64, BB69, BB75, BB84, BB92, BB204, BB213

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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