The Cause Celebre
featuring Dr. Dennis Hill

As a Business Owner, are you unapproachable or perceived as unapproachable? By default, you may be. Listen how becoming an intentional business owner has some unique challenges and yet, it is the goal we should be seeking. the good news is there are some simple practices to adopt to achieve this with greater ease.

#1 International Bestselling Business Author, Dr. Dennis Hill, Answers:  

This podcast posed the most interesting title and I am anxious to get into it with you. What exactly is a cause celebre in the context of small business owners?How does the way a small business owner shows up tie-into intentionality, which is part of the title of your chapter in volume 5? Could you clarify my understanding that reacting instinctively or incidentally is not preferred to acting intentionally?Am I extrapolating correctly that integrating systems and running my business holistically will enable me to “manage out” un-expectations and “manage in” expectations? 

Dennis' Special Invitation For You:
To learn more about integrating your business processes for well-managed, intentional profits, visit our resource center at and download our guide, “The Small Business Recipe for Growth.“

Listen to Dennis' Previous Episodes:
Productivity Focus: BB155, BB164, BB172, BB179, BB191, BB203, BB212

***You can find all our podcasts episodes on our Mobile App: BrilliantBizBook

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