When you’re managing the many aspects of your professional life and your home life (and don’t forget about yourself!), your to-do list can get out of control quickly. Sometimes it’s so extreme, you don’t even know where to begin. Overwhelm, anyone?

In this episode, you’ll hear about the three steps to break the feeling of overwhelm and learn how to flow through your tasks, checking them off one after another.

Show highlights include:

- How to tackle tasks that seem too big to be done effortlessly. (9:45)
- A two-minute technique to regain clarity and reduce stress when you look at your desk. (11:50)
- Do you have “Writer’s Block”? Here’s when you should make your writing messy and ignore English language rules. (12:30)
- Why quick tasks expand into multiple weeks—and how to stop that process using your smartphone. (14:15)

If you’re ready to get things done while feeling healthy, energized and inspired, unleash your full potential at Brilliant Balance Live! Get your ticket here: https://cherylanneskolnicki.com/live-event-may-2019/

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