Your house is a mess. Toys are everywhere, the garbage needs to be emptied, and the dishes are piled high in the sink waiting to be washed.
If you’re spending hours and hours on household tasks, just imagine what your life could be like if you could just get back a fraction of those hours. What would that be worth to you?
In today’s show, I’m going to take you through a simple four-step process for getting your kids to help you with things needing to be done around the house (Pro Tip: this also works with your spouse).
Here Are The Highlights:
- How to get your kids to do boring (but necessary) tasks (9:30)
- What to do when your kids won’t willingly help you out (11:30)
- How to use your ‘kids currency’ to motivate your young ones (13:00)

There’s no better time than now to start using this simple process. The upcoming summer months are perfect. The kids have fewer demands and it’s a great way to establish new routines of household tasks around your home.

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