Have you ever asked yourself “Where does all my money GO?!” Expenses add up quickly and far too few of us protect a sizable portion of our earnings for investments. But even those of us who do rarely make investments in the most important asset of all - ourselves.

One of the best investments you’ll ever make is in yourself. Whether it’s by learning new skills, taking care of your health, developing personally and/or professionally, or starting a business, the investments you make in yourself carry extraordinary potential for returns.

In today’s episode, you’re going to learn three powerful ways that you can invest in yourself - and guess what - not all of them even require money!

Here Are The Highlights:
- The difference between an investment and an expense (1:20)
- The gender gap that could be hurting you...and it’s not the one you think (5:30)
- Investing in your own business: good or bad idea? (10:10)
- One of the most cost-effective investments you can ever make (11:20)

Invest in yourself today to unlock a new world of opportunities.

To learn more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough, the program referenced in today’s show, visit: https://cherylanneskolnicki.com/brilliant-balance/
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And to find out more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough: