Our confidence can take such a beating during breakup or divorce. Start building yours today so you can move on in a powerful way and create the dating success that you desire. Don't miss Coach Heidi K's conversation with Life and Wellness Coach Melody Pourmaradi and learn to cultivate that confidence from the inside out.

Join our Facebook Group:

Breakup to Breakthrough with Coach Heidi K 


And visit our website: https://www.reinventionlifecoaching.com/  


Our confidence can take such a beating during breakup or divorce. Start building yours today so you can move on in a powerful way and create the dating success that you desire. Don't miss Coach Heidi K's conversation with Life and Wellness Coach Melody Pourmaradi and learn to cultivate that confidence from the inside out.

Join our Facebook Group:

Breakup to Breakthrough with Coach Heidi K 


And visit our website: https://www.reinventionlifecoaching.com/