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How do you describe Ronnie Teasdale? Figuring out how to capture him in conversation and in writing, that’s the problem I ran into after spending a few hours with him recording the podcast.

Ronnie grew up in Michigan playing hockey practically every day of his life until he was 23 years old. At the height of his hockey “career,” he was what I’d call an “enforcer” — the guy you’d put in to take out (by brute force) whatever player on the other team was scoring goals or causing problems. Sports, to him, were a zero-sum game. Someone wins, someone loses — and doing anything necessary to win was just part of the game.

When he moved west to California, he did so to pursue a more holistic calling. With degrees in psychology and exercise science from Oakland University, Ronnie opened a gym, started studying yoga, and left his hockey and win at all costs mindset behind.

Then he discovered CrossFit, the sport of fitness. Since he already knew how to win, this was a way to combine his prior-life mindset with his newfound passion for fitness. He opened a new gym called CrossFit Mean Streets, and became known in the world of CrossFit as a fierce competitor, bad boy, and also a super-fit human. 

But there was a side to Ronnie that no one really knew — a side that he talks about a lot in our conversation. His quest has always been to optimize human performance, and he has been able to achieve that since leaving hockey with quite unorthodox methods involving recovery, rejuvenation, and optimization rather than super hard or aggressive training.

Ronnie now is finishing up his Kundalini Yoga teacher training, has just changed his name to his new spiritual name, Ravi Chander, and spends much of his time reading, studying, and developing expertise and personal experience in what he calls “humanology.”

This is the longest podcast I’ve ever recorded, and it’s a conversation I enjoyed thoroughly. We get into “weird” stuff right out of the gate, though Ronnie is about as un-weird as it gets. It opened my eyes to many new intriguing concepts such as optimizing performance without training, as well sound healing and sunlight.


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Josh Waitzkin The Fourth Phase of Water UnicyclingSlacklining Peak Brain Institute Yoga WestRaMa Yoga Institute Yogi Bhajan Sound healing Cymatics binaural beats solfeggio frequencies

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