In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna talks about the do’s and dont’s when it comes to music release. Anna explains the importance of marketing the new music, talking about it on social media, and all the best practices about planning and structuring the release. In addition, Anna shares tips to overcome the feeling of being “too salesy” (a.k.a. having shame of selling) on social media when promoting the new music, and how you should focus more on the work and effort you put into your work rather than what other people think. Artists should be seen and heard; marketing is the key for that to happen.

Key Highlights

Anna discusses the best guidelines to release new songs, and how to plan, structure, and market it the best way; Anna shares honest tips about self-promotion, social media, and how to overcome the barriers of feeling to “salesy”.

Powerful Quotes by Anna

“Make peace with the fact that you’ll always have a bit of resistance going to the next level.” – Anna Turunen “What we are anxious about is usually what we are excited about at the same time. So go towards your fear.” – Anna Turunen

Episode Resources

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield

Kim Petras on Spotify | Apple Music

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Instagram: @theannaturunen


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