In this episode of Break the Record podcast, Anna sits down with the founder and CEO of The Familie and Unlisted/Brand Lab Steve Astephen. Steve is an experienced sports and entertainment entrepreneur who has worked with top talent from the NFL, NBA, golf and, in music, Machine Gun Kelly. 


Anna and Steve discuss his experience with Ayahuasca and how it helped him to heal old wounds and to see everything else in his life more clearly afterwards. Steve also shares a really powerful story where, after trying out Ayahuasca, he finally had the chance to connect with a friend to have some closure from their relationship.


It’s really interesting that a few situations in life allow you to heal everything in your past and present that needs to be healed. But in order to do that, it’s easier if you first let go of yourself. That is the exact reason why Ayahuasca and psychedelics in general are becoming popular over the last few years. Besides supporting others with anxiety and mental health related symptoms, this kind of substance helps with mental clarity and Steve describes how this experience happened for him. Tune in!


Key Highlights

Steve explains the reasons why he considers Ayahuasca a medicine instead of a recreational drug; How Ayahuasca helped Steve to see his whole life in chapters and heal what needed to be healed from his past; Steve shares a particular moment when trying out Ayahuasca where he could connect with a past friend and finally have some closure on their relationship.


Powerful Quotes by Steve about Ayahuasca


“I've really changed. There’s no doubt that medicine changed me for the better in so many ways. But, I still have work to do.” – Steve Astephen


“In general it is for everyone, as long as you realize what you could potentially see or learn about yourself.” – Steve Astephen


Episode Resources

University of Adversity Podcast on Apple Podcasts & Spotify


Follow Steve!

Instagram: @steve_astephen


Follow Anna!

Instagram: @theannaturunen


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