Former Miss United States and sports anchor, current relationship coach and co-host of True Sex & Wild Love podcast as well as a budding singer/songwriter —these are among the many, diverse roles that the wildly ambitious 31-year-old Whitney Miller has claimed for herself.


The Texas native had always felt herself to be an odd duck. A tomboy growing up, joining a beauty pageant was the last thing Whitney could ever imagine herself doing. After a lot of encouragement to go for Miss Texas, however, she took the plunge—and won. Then she won Miss United States after that. Beyond trying something new, Whitney decided that pageantry could be her gateway to other opportunities, all while inspiring little girls to think outside societal norms.


From pageantry, she made the surprising leap into Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing. Along the way, her well publicized open relationship with her fiance at the time Aubrey Marcus poised her to become an online relationship coach and co-host of wildly successful sex & relationship podcast True Sex & Wild Love. Most recently, she has embarked on a longtime passion that she never had the courage to tackle till now: singing and songwriting.


Listen in as Anna and Whitney reflect on the whirlwind that was (and still is) Whitney’s action-packed journey and the lingering dreams she hopes to achieve in the near future.


Key Highlights

Cliff Notes of Whitney Miller’s life: winning Miss Texas and Miss United States in 2012, going into MMA, becoming a relationship coach, and overcoming her fear of singing in public The importance of safety and stability within a relationship while keeping it “fluid, flexible, and malleable” Growing as a person by planting your “fear pot” Why are there so many emotions attached to singing and what makes it such a personal thing to do? How songwriting helps Whitney deepen her connection with her Divine Feminine Anna’s amazing hypnosis story

Three Powerful Quotes by Whitney

To me, music is the self-mastery, personal development world. They’re so combined. I don’t want to be Pageant Patty. If I were to win this, I would want to inspire little girls and say, “You can do anything you want to do. You don’t have to fit into this perfect box that society says you have to be in.” Relationships should be, or can be, more fluid and flexible and malleable than what we are taught in society.


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