Previous Episode: Now Is The Best Time

Do you have a goal that you really want to achieve?

It just keeps nagging you.

You feel like you were born to do this thing, but you are overwhelmed at the thought of even starting.

It's not too late.

You can start on that goal today. All you need is bravery.

Bravery is…

The willingness to face fear.
The confidence to live authentically.
And the determination to keep going in the face of adversity.

It's the key to accomplishing a goal, a real goal, one that scares you shitless.

In today's episode I give you the 5 steps that will put you right on track to bravely accomplishing your big scary goal.

This episode is part of a 6 episode series on the 5 Steps To Becoming Brave. You can download the 5 Steps To Becoming Brave workbook and work on each activity as you listen along.

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