“You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want” ~ Zig Ziglar~     Ever heard of the expression…..When the Student is Ready the Teacher will appear?  Then I’d like to introduce you to Cliff Ravenscraft, he is “THAT”  TEACHER who will appear when YOU […]

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“You can have everything you want in life, if you just help enough other people get what they want”
~ Zig Ziglar~



Ever heard of the expression…..When the Student is Ready the Teacher will appear?  Then I’d like to introduce you to Cliff Ravenscraft, he is “THAT”  TEACHER who will appear when YOU are ready to Master the Art of Podcasting.  His is known as “THE” PODCAST ANSWER MAN!

Cliff has produced over 3,200 podcast episodes, since December 2005, devoted to Entertainment, Family, Faith, Fitness, Career and Technology. He has also helped thousands of individuals and organizations launch successful podcasts through his Podcasting A to Z online training course If you were to look at the top 100 podcasts in the business category of iTunes, more than 50 of these shows were created by clients who worked with Cliff.

I’ve been a fan witnessing his evolution ever since 2008 to the point where I am now a proud Alumni from his SUCCESSFUL Podcasting A to Z online training course since February of 2014.

I’m excited for you to listen and discover how being of service to others can open up a whole new world of infinite possibilities.


What I Cover In This Episode:

Cliff’s Story
How a Hobby Turned into a Profitable Passionate Business
It’s Not ALL About The Money
Knowing Your Worth
Having the Desire to Serve
The Money Will Follow
Creating an Evergreen Business with an Online Training Course – Podcasting A to Z

Connect with Cliff

Website: www.podcastanswerman.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/cliffravenscraft
Twitter: www.twitter.com/GSPN

Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode

Dave Ramsey – The Total Money Makeover
Dan Miller – 48 Days to the Work You Love
Rabbi Daniel Lapin – Thou Shall Prosper
Leo LaPorte – This Week In Tech
Andy Traub from TakePermission.com
Podcasting A to Z

Enter Promo Code BRAND to receive a $500 Discount


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I sincerely appreciate you for taking the time to listen to the show. If you found some valuable nuggets of wisdom smothered with Awesome Sauce and it was helpful to you in any way, shape or form, please pay it forward and share the love! It would mean the world to me!

The post BYE 004: The Next Level with Cliff Ravenscraft – The Pursuit of Passion appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.

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