“Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.” ~ Terry Pratchett~   Do you remember singing as a child “This Little Candle Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let It Shine?”  Well….What ever happened to it?  I […]

The post BYE 003: Prepare To Ignite with John Lee Dumas – Fueling Your Inner Fire! appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.

“Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.”
~ Terry Pratchett~


Do you remember singing as a child “This Little Candle Light of Mine, I’m gonna Let It Shine?”  Well….What ever happened to it?  I bet it’s still in you but you have forgotten how to keep it fueled and ignited!

Meet John Lee Dumas, he has set the Podcasting World on FIRE  as the founder and creator of Enterepreneur On Fire, a 7-day a week Podcast, interviewing today’s most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs. He shares their journeys; their failures, their AH-HA moments and current successes so you can absorb their lessons learned, see their path to success, emulate their victories and avoid their catastrophes.

His Goal is for YOU to become an Entrepreneur on FIRE. As he has an incredible amount of resourcesblog postsproducts for you to do just that.

I’m thrilled to introduce to you John Lee Dumas! He will not only help you fuel your inner flame…He will PREPARE YOU “To IGNITE!”

What I Cover In This Episode:

John’s Story
How To Embrace The “Impostor Syndrome”
If you Want to BE…..DO!
The Importance on Taking Action and Following Through
Our Results from Sally Hogshead Fascination Advantage Test

Connect With John:

Website: www.eofire.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EntrepreneurOnFire
Twitter: www.twitter.com/johnleedumas

Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode

John’s Journey Video
Sally’s Hogshead Fascination Advantage Test

Enter Promo Code: FIRE

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The post BYE 003: Prepare To Ignite with John Lee Dumas – Fueling Your Inner Fire! appeared first on Brand YOU Economy Podcast.

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