In the next three episodes (three-part series), we will cover the topic of happy brain chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. We will cover how they work and how your everyday actions impact their flow.

Our guest Dr. Loretta Breuning, Founder of the Inner Mammal Institute, helps people manage the ups and downs of their mammal brain. She is also a professor emerita of management at California State University East Bay and the author of eight books, including "Habits of a Happy Brain" - which talks about the brain chemicals that make us feel good, and how to stimulate them naturally.

In this episode, we will cover part 1 of our three-part series. Today, you’ll be introduced to Dr. Loretta Breuning and learn valuable information about dopamine (our brain’s reward chemical) and serotonin (our brain’s pleasure chemical). Here we go, here’s Dr. Loretta Breuning.


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