Molly Carmel, LCSW-R is the Founder of The Beacon Program in New York City and author of the groundbreaking book, Breaking Up with Sugar: A Plan to Divorce the Diets, Drop the Pounds, and Live Your Best Life. Molly is fiercely devoted to helping people from all walks of life break free of their destructive relationship with food and dieting. After battling an eating disorder for over 20 years and finding no solution in treatments available, Molly made it her life’s mission to help people find a sustainable solution to the battle of obesity and related eating disorders.

She established the renowned Beacon Program to provide comprehensive, life-changing guidance to master your food, master your mind, and reclaim your life. In addition to her extensive training in Substance Use and Eating Disorders, Molly trained intensively in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy – a practice she passionately advocates.

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