Sanja's IG - @sanjatully_lifeofdivina

Sanja's FB - @lifeofdivina  

EBOOK on limiting beliefs - CLICK HERE

FREE Self Love Workbook - Worrier to Warrior Working Mom - CLICK HERE


Society makes it so instant for everything but when it comes to self love and self worth it is an ongoing practice. You have to do it daily and create habits that help you daily to increase your self love. When you create a new habit for yourself make sure you try it out for 30 days for it to stick and see if it works for you. Use your feminine traits to your advantage. Women and mothers bring something different to the table then others. Own those traits. Your life experiences made you who you are today. Own that and own the person you are today. You can only control yourself and your actions. Don't try to change or feel responsible for other people's actions but they are not yours and you can't control them.