I wasn’t planning on doing another # episode so soon, but once again, good ol’ Adam over at the gram is rocking our worlds. So, I had to give you guys my take on the news! It’s gonna be short and sweet, but filled with the goods.

Adam Mosseri has finally settled the great # debate about whether your #s go in your caption or your comments, along with some other gems on how Instagram Search works and how we can optimize it! He said "We want to make sure that it’s easy for others to find your photos and videos” and shared a few best practices that we can use to show up in search results. Have you heard? Were you surprised? Are you freaking out that you’ve been doing it wrong the whole time? … Tune in to hear me break down what happened and what this really means! I’m going to give you a word for word on what was said, followed by my notes. 

Read the full article here: https://about.instagram.com/blog/announcements/break-down-how-instagram-search-works

So you ready to switch things up? Or have you been posting your #s in the captions this whole time? Let me know at [email protected]