I'm excited about the interest this podcast has generated and am looking forward to 2021.  I am excited to ring in the 2021 year with a lineup of new and returning guests.  In 2021, you can also expect guest interviews from authors of multiple types of book genres. 

I’d like to let you know about the Books Between Sessions instagram page.  If you would like to see extra content, such as videos, Instagram Lives, and IGTV Videos follow the podcast instagram Books Between Sessions. Each month, I go Live and post videos discussing my monthly reading wrap-up and books that coincide with monthly observances.  Some past videos have been: family caregiver books, transgender awareness books, domestic violence awareness books, and indigenous peoples day awareness books to name a few.  Tomorrow, New Year’s Eve, I will be having a live video discussing my December Reading Wrap Up. So, be sure to go to follow the instagram page Books Between Sessions so that you do not miss out. 

In 2021, I also plan to increase the social media content by 1.) collaborating with authors on Instagram Lives for mini chats and 2.) increasing the content on the Books Between Sessions YouTube channel by adding the video versions of guest episodes.

Thank you, again, for being a part of this movement to spread awareness about mental health and mental illness.

See you in 2021.