Biohacking No Longer a Myth: A New Reality in the Matrix

the IOT  Command Prompt Now Run by BioMen Pirates and Manoids 

Back Alley Op-grades to Converts is a New Wild West Rogue Subsystem to Stay Clear 

The Reality of Sensory Attacks through the IOT on Unexpecting Transhuman Converts from Biohacker rogue communities. Also - bootleg transplant backalley operations attempting to assist unsuspecting mainoids wanting to join the metahuman population but biohackers again ensuring they constantly fall short of their pre-programmed dreams

Biohacking Transhuman Manoids & their Attack for Sensory Information

stored in Converts all done Over Wifi: All within the iOT and the real Matrix

Check Out the Audio Version Here


Sensory attacks through the Internet of Things by metahumans, converts and biohackers in the void is unfortunately a scary reality waiting in the shadows for the expansion of monoids and metahumans to expand their already busy and growing community. Some of you probably already remember the sensory attacks on Neo in the movie the Matrix.In this video we learn from a CIA

The Reality of Sensory Attacks through the IOT on Unexpecting Transhuman Converts from Biohacker rogue communities. Also - bootleg transplant backalley operations attempting to assist unsuspecting mainoids wanting to join the metahuman population but biohackers again ensuring they constantly fall short of their pre-programmed dreams

#transhumanism #internetofthings #nanotech #nanotechnology #biohacking

The Reality of Sensory Attacks through the IOT on Unexpecting Transhuman Converts from Biohacker rogue communities. Also - bootleg transplant backalley operations attempting to assist unsuspecting mainoids wanting to join the metahuman population but biohackers again ensuring they constantly fall short of their pre-programmed dreams

The ultimate goal is full control over the mammalian control center -aka the brain. No more wires, no more hardware to hardware - we want biogan to biogan with no med-filters in between. All it does it muddy up the aerogels and slows the front side bus (FSB). Yes we can drop all of the packets we like and hope the back side bus (BSB) picks up the pace but it's not safe. Let's just keep this thing one step at a time. We're already on the cutting edge of humrones now at speeds and customization requests so in depth that Crisper can't handle the packets we're prepping and dropping on our slave coil networks. Nobody knows if they should unfold it, untwist it or unwrap it. Everything is upside down since the Porganics came in on the FSB. Enough of that - back to the transhuman topic...Let's continue.

Sensory attacks through the Internet of Things by metahumans, converts and biohackers in the void is unfortunately a scary reality waiting in the shadows for the expansion of monoids and metahumans to expand their already busy and growing community. Some of you probably already remember the sensory attacks on Neo in the movie the Matrix.In this video we learn from a CIA

The Reality of Sensory Attacks through the IOT on Unexpecting Transhuman Converts from Biohacker rogue communities. Also - bootleg transplant backalley operations attempting to assist unsuspecting mainoids wanting to join the metahuman population but biohackers again ensuring they constantly fall short of their pre-programmed dreams

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