Meet the Biohackers

Meet the Cyborgs

These are the Things Defining Tomorrow Idea of "Sexy"


What if your kid came home from a long weekend at the lake and felt eager and inclined to sit down in private with you and your husband just to divulge his newest and biggest secret. "Mom, Dad," "I'm not a virgin anymore. and neither is my gender fluid solid state significant other!" This is where it gets weird. Simon went to the lake this weekend by himself taking only his genderfluid laptop. When he came back he complained that his laptop no longer worked and you happen to notice it was covered in some sort of crust and the screen wouldn't open like he had dropped some glue in there.

Biohacking Manoids:  A Lust for Sensory Info

of Transhuman Converts  & for Total Control in the Matrix

You then realize those two things are related and you excuse yourself to wash your hands and vomit in your purse.

You put a positive thought in your mind because that's what the psychologist told you to do in times like this and times when your husband is wearing your clothes (really just the underwear, panty hose and heels specifically) and telling himself anyone who will listen that he is gender fluid and compassionate to the thoughts and feelings of others who share his struggle and pain. Those in the struggle like his hero Caitlyn Jenner. He then sits you down and gives you the same 3 hour discussion about the struggles of himself and Caitlyn Jenner and how they are kindred spirits bound to meet like..."two ships in the fog of the night." That's when you make that joke "Ahoy Sailor." In hopes he realized how gay he really....forget it - let's get back to your sons penis in the laptop.

This isn't Transhumanism and your husbands problem is called Transsexual - the two aren't the same. Putting your dick in the computer is NOT how you make transhumans although I invite you to keep trying. Dont' stop sailor -anything is possible if you just bang it hard enough and do it enough times. Let's get to the point of this article.

s biotechnology progresses, so too may our thoughts of being human.

Today, we can change our bodies in already impossible ways, whether that is embedding computer chips, fitting progressed prosthetic appendages or in any event, planning altogether new faculties.
Supposed transhumanists - - individuals who try to work on their science by upgrading their bodies with innovation - - accept that our regular condition hinders our experience of the world, and that we can rise above our ongoing capacities through science.

Thoughts that are "technoprogressive" to some are questionable to other people. Yet, to picture taker David Vintiner, they are something different out and out: wonderful.

"Excellence is in the designed items," said Vintiner, who has gone through years shooting constant on earth cyborgs and body-modifiers for his impending book, "I Want to Believe - - An Exploration of Transhumanism."

Planning the world's most memorable home PCs
Made in a joint effort with workmanship chief and pundit Gem Fletcher, the book includes an assortment of individuals who distinguish, somewhat, as "transhuman" - - incorporating a man with bionic ears that sense changes in barometric tension, a lady who can "feel" seismic tremors occurring all over the planet and professionals who have created lab-made organs.

Fletcher was first acquainted with the transhumanist subculture by means of the London Futurist Group, an association that investigates how innovation can counter future emergencies. After gathering a portion of its individuals, the London-based craftsmanship chief moved toward Vintiner with capturing them in a progression of representations.

"Our most memorable shoot was with Andrew Vladimirov, a DIY 'mind programmer,'" Vintiner reviewed in a telephone interview. "Each time we shot another person, we requested references and acquaintances with other key individual...

Meet the Biohackers
Meet the Cyborgs
These are the Things Defining Tomorrow Idea of “Sexy”



What if your kid came home from a long weekend at the lake and felt eager and inclined to sit down in private with you and your husband just to divulge his newest and biggest secret. “Mom, Dad,” “I’m not a virgin anymore. and neither is my gender fluid solid state significant other!” This is where it gets weird. Simon went to the lake this weekend by himself taking only his genderfluid laptop. When he came back he complained that his laptop no longer worked and you happen to notice it was covered in some sort of crust and the screen wouldn’t open like he had dropped some glue in there.

Biohacking Manoids:  A Lust for Sensory Info
of Transhuman Converts  & for Total Control in the Matrix

You then realize those two things are related and you excuse yourself to wash your hands and vomit in your purse.

You put a positive thought in your mind because that’s what the psychologist told you to do in times like this and times when your husband is wearing your clothes (really just the underwear, panty hose and heels specifically) and telling himself anyone who will listen that he is gender fluid and compassionate to the thoughts and feelings of others who share his struggle and pain. Those in the struggle like his hero Caitlyn Jenner. He then sits you down and gives you the same 3 hour discussion about the struggles of himself and Caitlyn Jenner and how they are kindred spirits bound to meet like…”two ships in the fog of the night.” That’s when you make that joke “Ahoy Sailor.” In hopes he realized how gay he really….forget it – let’s get back to your sons penis in the laptop.

This isn’t Transhumanism and your husbands problem is called Transsexual – the two aren’t the same. Putting your dick in the computer is NOT how you make transhumans although I invite you to keep trying. Dont’ stop sailor -anything is possible if you just bang it hard enough and do it enough times. Let’s get to the point of this article.

s biotechnology progresses, so too may our thoughts of being human.

Today, we can change our bodies in already impossible ways, whether that is embedding computer chips, fitting progressed prosthetic appendages or in any event, planning altogether new faculties.

Supposed transhumanists – – individuals who try to work on their science by upgrading their bodies with innovation – – accept that our regular condition hinders our experience of the world, and that we can rise above our ongoing capacities through science.

Thoughts that are “technoprogressive” to some are questionable to other people. Yet, to picture taker David Vintiner, they are something different out and out: wonderful.

“Excellence is in the designed items,” said Vintiner, who has gone through years shooting constant on earth cyborgs and body-modifiers for his impending book, “I Want to Believe – – An Exploration of Transhumanism.”

Planning the world’s most memorable home PCs

Made in a joint effort with workmanship chief and pundit Gem Fletcher, the book includes an assortment of individuals who distinguish, somewhat, as “transhuman” – – incorporating a man with bionic ears that sense changes in barometric tension, a lady who can “feel” seismic tremors occurring all over the planet and professionals who have created lab-made organs.

Fletcher was first acquainted with the transhumanist subculture by means of the London Futurist Group, an association that investigates how innovation can counter future emergencies. After gathering a portion of its individuals, the London-based craftsmanship chief moved toward Vintiner with capturing them in a progression of representations.

“Our most memorable shoot was with Andrew Vladimirov, a DIY ‘mind programmer,'” Vintiner reviewed in a telephone interview. “Each time we shot another person, we requested references and acquaintances with other key individuals inside the development.”

However the photographic artist conceded that the transhumanists’ cases can appear to be abnormal from the start, he before long saw the allure of innovative self-upgrade. “Assuming allowed the opportunity, how might you plan your own body and what might you maintain that it should say about you?” he inquired.

Reclassifying human experience

One of Vintiner’s subjects, James Young, went to bionics subsequent to losing his arm and leg in a mishap in 2012. Youthful had forever been keen on biotechnology and was especially attracted to the feel of sci-fi. Picturing how his body could be “re-constructed,” or even perform upgraded errands with the assistance of the most recent innovation, turned out to be essential for his recuperation cycle.

In any case, as per the 29-year-old, the choices introduced to him by specialists were nowhere near energizing – – standard-issue steel bionic appendages with tissue hued silicone sleeves.

“To see what was accessible was the absolute most disturbing aspect,” Young said in a video interview.

“What the human body can comprise, regarding instruments and innovation, is a particularly hazy thing – – assuming that you contemplate the arm, it’s simply a tangible piece of gear.

“Assuming there was any individual who might get their arm and leg slashed off, it would be me since I’m amped up for innovation and what it can finish.”

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Japanese gaming goliath Konami worked with prosthetics stone worker Sophie de Oliveira Barata to plan a bunch of bionic appendages for Young. The outcome was an arm and leg produced using dark carbon fiber – – a stylish halfway roused by Konami’s “Metal Gear Solid,” one of the then-22-year-old’s number one computer games.

Past the normal capacities, Young’s automated arm includes a USB port, a screen showing his Twitter channel and a retractable dock containing a remote-controlled drone. The appendages are constrained by sensors that convert nerve motivations from Young’s spine into actual developments.

“Progressed prosthetics empowered James to change individuals’ impression of (his) incapacity,” expressed Vintiner of Young, adding: “When you first show individuals the photos, they are stunned and perplexed by the thoughts held inside. Yet, assuming you analyze the thoughts, they understand that they are extremely even minded.”

Youthful says it has required quite a long while for individuals to

value the elements of cutting edge bionic appendages as well as their style, as well. “Bionic and electronic appendages were considered terrifying, absolutely on account of what they looked like,” he said. “They concurred with the possibility that ‘incapacity isn’t hot.'”

He likewise felt there was disgrace encompassing bionics, since patients were much of the time given tissue shaded sleeves to cover their counterfeit appendages.

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“Outwardly, we believe that this is the limit of the human body,” Young expressed, alluding to his excess natural arm. “Valuable open doors for transhumanists open up on the grounds that a bionic arm can’t feel torment, or it very well may be in a flash supplanted assuming you have the cash. It has various capacities to endure heat and to not be burned by the sun.”

As Vintiner kept shooting the pictures, he felt a large number of his biases being tested. The cycle likewise brought up a significant issue: If innovation can change what it is to be human, could it at any point additionally change being wonderful?

“The greater part of my (unique) work revolves around individuals – – their way of behaving, character, eccentricities and stories,” he said. “However, this undertaking took the idea of magnificence to another level.”

Eye of the spectator

Science’s effect over how we might interpret style is, to Vintiner, one of the most intriguing parts of transhumanism. What he found, nonetheless, was that numerous in the development actually look toward existing magnificence principles as a model for “post-human” flawlessness.

One more subject of Fletcher and Vintiner’s book is Sophia, a robot planned by researchers David Hanson and Ben Goertzel at Hanson Robotics. Sophia is quite possibly the most exceptional humanoid robot to date.

Addressing CNN Style in 2018, Hanson said that Sophia’s structure would resound with individuals all over the planet, and that her appearance was halfway roused by genuine ladies including Hanson’s significant other and Audrey Hepburn, as well as sculptures of the Egyptian sovereign Nefertiti.

However, with her light hazel eyes, impeccably curved eyebrows, long eyelashes, characterized cheekbones and full lips – – Sophia’s appearance seemingly encapsulates that of a customarily delightful Caucasian lady.

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“At the point when I shot Ben Goertzel, he expressed how he found opportunity to think about how him looked – – it was inconsequential to him,” the photographic artist reviewed of the photograph shoot.

Vintiner saw a specific incongruity: that somebody who was indifferent about his own appearance would regardless extend our distraction with magnificence through his organization’s development.

It likewise filled in as an update that engaging quality might be more complicated than calculations can at any point understand.

“That’s what I dread on the off chance that we can plan people with practically no of the ‘defects’ that happen in our organic cosmetics, things will be pushed endlessly further towards a degree of flawlessness we can hardly comprehend at the present time.” Vintiner said. “Take a gander at how plastic medical procedure has changed our impression of magnificence in an extremely short space of time.

“In the event that the transhumanists are correct and we, as people, can live to be a few many years old, our thought of excellence and the actual importance of what it is to be human will change decisively.”

Due to the Covid pandemic, the send off of “I Want to Believe – – An Exploration of Transhumanism,” as well as a Kickstarter crusade and going with photograph show, have been briefly deferred.

4-28-2022 Blog Header / Featured Image – Transhuman Bi-ganic Convert Upgrades & Essential Repairs – the Power to Fix All of God’s Huge Mistakes; Because Someone had to do it.