Hey babe! Welcome back to Boldly Courageous! Today, I want to talk about ‘Hey Girl’ messages. We’ve all gotten them — emails and DM’s that network marketers that have copied, pasted, and sent out a thousand times. I get it — they’re annoying. But here’s the thing: there’s a real person behind those messages, and she’s just trying to step into her network marketing career and promote something she’s passionate about! So today, I’m giving you my best advice about ‘Hey Girl’ messages. I’ve got some words of wisdom for those who receive those messages, and I’ve got a few tips for you boss babes learning how to be effective network marketers too! Let’s dive in!


In This Episode You Will Learn…

How to stop getting frustrated at ‘Hey Girl’ messages
The importance of having patience and grace for beginning network marketers
Why you should be flattered when network marketers reach out to you
Why network marketing is “entrepreneurship with training wheels”
The importance of supporting small businesses
Why copying and pasting generic ‘Hey Girl’ messages doesn’t work
The importance of establishing real relationships in network marketing
How to write a more effective marketing message
The importance of finding and staying in your niche


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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