What’s up, babe?! Welcome to Episode 32 of the Boldly Courageous podcast! My guest today is all about creating small habits to reach your big goal successfully. I’m so excited to introduce you to my new friend, Gia Golinello. She’s the epitome of a boldly courageous woman, and she’s here to help you achieve your dreams! If you’ve ever found yourself wishing you could lose 15 lbs, gain 100 clients, or run a marathon, but you haven’t figured out how to stay motivated, you will not want to miss this episode!



Who Is Gia Golinello?


In addition to being a boldly courageous woman, Gia is a health and wellness coach who helps busy women prioritize their health. Today, she’s a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and personal trainer, but Gia only discovered this career after flaming out of the corporate world, where she was a buyer and planner for 12 years. 


Boldly courageous seems to be Gia’s default approach. Not only did she take the radical step of pitching herself to me as a podcast guest, she recently signed up for a trek in the Alaskan wilderness. 


“I booked a trip to the Alaskan wilderness. No cabins, no outhouses, just trekking for ten days. While I’ve done a decent amount of similar trips, hiking and things like that, it’s definitely going to be super outside of my comfort zone to be out there for ten days and carrying our own packs and building our own camps. I’m freaked out.” - Gia Golinello.


Gia’s done lots of adventure trips before – including hiking to Everest Base Camp – but she says this is the first time she’s done it without staying in shelters along the way. How crazy is that!? 


What I love most about Gia is how willing she is to embrace and overcome her fear. She’s a great example of what it looks like to take action in spite of fear and really anchor into the action that will lead to big results. If you’re ready to adopt the same mindset as you build your business, brand, and future, dive into this very special interview with Gia Golinello!


In This Episode You Will Learn...

How not to let fear hold you back
The importance of altering your actions to fit your changing goals
Why your environment is actually more important than your willpower
How to make small changes that create big habits
The importance of starting slow to avoid running out of motivation
The important of celebrating small milestones of success
How to love yourself more
How to create a life that is in alignment with you and your dreams
The importance of having a strong "why" to support your goals


Connect with Gia Golinello:

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