What’s up, babe?! Happy Thursday and welcome back to the Boldly Courageous podcast! Today, I want to talk about money mindset. You guys know that talking about money and abundance is my jam, and I truly believe when you take a hard look at your beliefs around money, it has a domino effect on so many other areas of your life. If you're stressed out in your personal relationships, if you feel trapped in your career, or if you can't seem to move your business forward, those limiting beliefs can be traced to a negative energy surrounding money, and it can feel really controlling. So I want to share with you 4 money mindset shifts that will literally rock your world that will help you heal the relationship that you have with money, feel more empowered, actually build an incredible life, and feel abundant as fuck — who doesn’t want that?!


In This Episode You Will Learn...

Why money is an amplifying energy 
How to make abundant energy your #1 priority in your business and personal life 
What low-abundant, unaligned energy can look like 
The importance of investing money into tools and resources that increase your energy
Why abundance is not a destination but a frequency 
How to make financial decisions based on where you want to go rather than where you’ve been 
What co-creating a relationship with your money looks like


Be Boldly Courageous with Melissa:

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