What’s up, babe? Welcome back to the Boldly Courageous podcast! I’m so grateful to you for joining me today. This episode is a special one. So many of you awesome boss babes have the desire to step into your full divine feminine power and live abundantly. But it can be hard to receive and understand the messages our spirit guides want to share. So today, my very special guest Haley Cole is here to shed some light on how you can do just that. I learned so much listening to Haley, and I know you will too. Let’s go!


Who Is Haley Cole?

Haley is a Golden Light Intuitive who started her spiritual journey at eight years old when she was introduced to various wonderful teachers. Throughout her childhood and young adult life, she continued learning about meditation, intuition, the chakras, angels, gods, goddesses, Ascended Masters, and more.

At 16, she became a Reiki Master. She has now devoted her life to helping others discover their magic and gifts through her readings, podcast, coaching, speaking. Because once we realize how powerful we are, we will change the world.


In This Episode You Will Learn…

What a spirit team is
The importance of having a relationship with your spirit guides
The differences between the various types of spirit guides
The differences between clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, and claircognizance
How Oracle cards can help you communicate with your spirit guides
The differences between the divine masculine and feminine energies
How you can balance the divine masculine and feminine within yourself
How you can tap into your own spiritual guides


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