Welcome to your newest BBB mini-series!! Every Wednesday you will get a bonus episode until we've read EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER of the book Stop Walking on Eggshells that was republished as a 2nd edition in 2010.

Here's the deal - we are reviewing this book from a critical lens, but we only have so much ability to be critical as we're reading it from the perspective of someone having BPD and the partner of someone with BPD. These are our opinions and we hope to teach others how stigmatizing language damages us and the people who love those of us with BPD. We also point out some of the benefits of this book. This mini-series is NOT a shit on this book, nor is it a recommendation of this book. It is simply a critical review of a book that most people who have a BPD family member, partner, loved one, or friend has been recommended.

This week Dad Dean joins us to review the ninth chapter of this book. 

We are reviewing this book as consistent with Copyright Fair Use law:
1. We are not reading it in its entirety 
2. We have purchased the book we are reading from
3. We are using it for educational purposes
4. We are using it for non-commercial purposes
5. We are reviewing a previous edition of the book that does not harm the current edition of the book or the future market of the book
6. We are using this work for “transformative” uses. Transformative uses are those that add something new, with a further purpose or different character, and do not substitute for the original use of the work.

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You can find Laurie and Sara on Instagram to follow their day to day lives even further @laurieanned and @saraswellnessway. You can also find the podcast on IG @boldbeautifulborderline

Leave us a voicemail about your thoughts on the show at boldbeautifulborderline.com

Register for our free peer support group at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/the-super-feelers-club-tickets-145605434775

Register for our low-barrier drop-in DBT group at https://www.thewellnesswayllc.com

Purchase the Exploring Your Borderline Strengths Journal at https://www.amazon.com/Exploring-Your-Borderline-Strengths-Amundson/dp/B0C522Y7QT/ref=sr_1_1?crid=IGQBWJRE3CFX&keywords=exploring+your+borderline+strengths&qid=1685383771&sprefix=exploring+your+bor%2Caps%2C164&sr=8-1

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