Juan is from Bogota, Colombia. He played tennis all his life, as his dad is a coach back home. In fact, tennis is what enabled Juan to come to the U.S. when he was 18 years of age, to study in college on an athletic scholarship. At the time, Juan spoke no English. He finished college, stayed in the U.S. for grad school, and is now
working as a CPA in a tax firm.

Discovering the Financial Independence Movement

Juan has always been frugal and debt averse. He observed how his wife’s colleagues, who established themselves with great jobs and were being paid higher salaries, were struggling financially and really stressed about money. In 2015, Juan and his girlfriend (now wife) were living on a single income, and it felt like they had a better handle on their personal finance than most working professionals. He started his own website to spread financial literacy. More of Juan's story here 
