Kristy grew up in poverty in rural China. She did not have running water, indoor plumbing and lots of other comforts we take for granted in the West. Her entire family was living on $0.44 per day. The family struggled during the communist regime and eventually was able to move to Canada when Kristy was 8 years old. 

I learned Kristy’s story from her recent book “Quit Like a Millionaire”. That book is worth its weight in gold - it’s straightforward, concise and it contains a wealth of personal finance information. Kristy is a personal finance geek with a lovely dry sense of humor. Even though it is still very new, Kristy’s book has already achieved #1 best-seller status in multiple Amazon categories. We recommend “Quit like a Millionaire” on our website as it makes an excellent guide for immigrants. 

Kristy's interview in full