1 - End of an Era " leaving #crossfit "
2 - What is next for the #fitness industry - current "near death experience"/push versus a connected awareness of your nervous system
3 - / #BTWNtheEars - what it is, how it will help

Words we brought up that I love:
#intention #awareness #forQuality #movementpractice #psychologicaltolerance #mentaltoughness #belief #faith #injury #identity #ego #rhabdo #redshirt #unknown #unknowable #performance #authenticity #virtuosity #nasalbreathing

"Belief is TRUTH without PROOF"

3 camps of #fitnesslifestyle
exercise - training - competing

Karianne has been in the fitness industry for over 20 years. Her quest has been to learn and discover everything as much as possible about the body, the mind, and human movement.

She discovered CrossFit as part of her journey in the fitness industry back in 2008. She went on to open and operate her two gyms (CrossFit Bernardsville and CrossFit Morristown) for 15 years. During her CrossFit tenure she worked as a L1 and L2 seminar staff member, was Dave Castro's assistant, was part of the CrossFit for Hope initiative team and was a regional level athlete.

Currently she has embraced a non-dogmatic approach to health and fitness - her pursuit is how to best serve individuals mental and physical health through hers and her husbands business Between the Ears, an in person gym as well as an online event company.