My guest is Shane Dowd, the CEO, and founder of and

Shane helps people fix injuries and get flexible so they can become the “Ultimate Athlete”.

He has over 100,000+ followers on his email/social media and 30,000 students around the world.

He is a Certified Massage Practitioner (CMP), Strength & Conditioning Coach, and Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES).

But more importantly...

👉 In 2011 he had lots of pain and zero flexibility:

In fact, he's had:

-Hip impingement (FAI/cam morphology)
-Labral damage and a subchondral cyst
-Shoulder impingement, back pain, neck pain, knee pain, plantar fasciitis, etc

In short, he’s suffered from a LOT of pain and movement problems...but no longer does.

His mission is to help you do the same, so you can move well and feel great.